Blog Buyer Librarians Rule!

Librarians Rule!

By Living Room Realty, June 3, 2019

Let the record show, I love all my clients. That being said, my Frient™ (Friend who’s also a Client), Katie is in a word “excelsior”.

Katie and I first started talking several months back when she told me she was ready to move out of her adorable condo. She had spent over a decade there and was ready to find herself a stunning Mid-Century Modern home with a yard for her dog, Willa (pictured… can you find her?). After a few unfortunate misses we found the ‘cream puff’; this Woodlawn MCM checked all the boxes and with a compelling, no regrets offer (She also wrote what may have been one of the best buyer letters I have ever read. Seriously.), we got Katie her dream home! 

Did I mention Katie is a librarian? Librarians are pretty darn cool.

Living Room Realty

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