By Living Room Realty, June 14, 2021
By Living Room Realty, June 14, 2021
For Anna and Kevin, this saltbox had a interesting past. The good news is they tightened the screws and made it better than they found it. Much better. Unlike a lot of homes, this particular dwelling left nothing to chance. At every turn the home had a purpose and function. Small statistically, it made up for it’s size with its function. From solar panels to a new envelope, this home was anything but wasteful. After working through a simple punch list, we entered the market, saw multiple offers and closed without much hassle. As the dust settles over the completion of this transaction I am excited to enter the “buying phase” with Anna and Kevin! I can candidly say that after 20 years in this business and likely 20 more to follow, I may never represent another saltbox like this one!