By Jené DeSpain, October 6, 2021
By Jené DeSpain, October 6, 2021
17 offers, half of them $50k+ over ask, the top few $100k+ over ask… It was going to be a wild push to win, but kindness & connection sealed the deal and my delightful, very pregnant buyers secured one of the prettiest Victorians I’ve seen on the market in the SE Clinton neighborhood over the last few years. Jam and his plentiful plant siblings are going to have a home just in time to have a week or two on their own before their baby sis enters into the picture. From the moment we met, I experienced such a kinship with Jam’s parents. Hailing from Brooklyn, we share a love of beautiful Chilean wine, large lead windows, santal parfume, and reading nooks offering the coziest spots to curl up with a good book. The transaction with the sellers’ and their wonderful agent was full of camaraderie and mutual efforts getting us over some tough city hurdles. In the end, Jam has a spectacular bay window to gaze out from while taking in the walkable magic of the block outside. The biggest Congratulations to my buyers. So so happy to have blissed through this journey with you. 🖤