By Kim Parmon, April 24, 2020
By Kim Parmon, April 24, 2020
Cedric and Nancy had a dream. They wanted to move to Portland and they wanted to have the “full Portland” experience. They were coming from Phoenix, you see. I’ve lived in Phoenix, so I can tell you: architecture isn’t that interesting there. All of the homes, with the exception of just a few neighborhoods, were built within the last 25 years. Everything is stucco. And BEIGE. So when Cedric and Nancy told me they wanted “charm” I wasn’t surprised.
Trying to buy a home in a different state during a pandemic is… interesting. Before everything hit the fan with Covid-19, I had spent time showing Cedric homes in person, so I had a pretty good idea of what they were looking for. They wanted vintage, charm, a porch, room for a home office, and to be in a great neighborhood. Of course, basically everyone looking for a home here wants those same things and we wrote offers on several properties to no avail. Cedric and Nancy were working with an FHA loan, which can be a tough sell in a multiple offer situation.
There were a couple of tough heartbreaks, but these two didn’t lose hope. And then we found it: an adorable vintage bungalow, complete with front porch. It had the home office. It had space for guests. And it had the most incredible location in the heart of Woodstock, super close to New Seasons and all kinds of fun shops and restaurants. But here’s the kicker: the home was tenant occupied, and getting on a plane to come see it wasn’t safe. Cedric and Nancy felt so strongly about this property that they wanted to offer on it anyway. The juice was worth the squeeze, as they say.
Once again, we found ourselves in a multiple offer situation. But this time, with the help of a great connection that I established with the list agent, their offer was accepted!
Cedric and Nancy got keys today, and also saw their new home for the first time today. When I asked if they were happy they let me know that it’s everything they’ve been dreaming of. Congratulations, you two!