By Living Room Realty, October 16, 2020
By Living Room Realty, October 16, 2020
Congrats to my client Ardyn, on the purchase of this adorable pied-à-terre at the Historic Embassy Condominiums. Her desire for simplistic living, in a home where she had easy access to walk her dog, and could live debt free, is now a reality.
Ardyn was a Buyer who knew enough to be cautious and and did her share of due diligence when it came to reviewing condo docs, potential issues that may arise in an almost 100 year old building, and what that might mean for her down the line.
I appreciated her desire to talk things out over the phone and discuss what all the information she was reviewing meant to her. Not all client’s take the time to pour over the things they receive, but Ardyn did. This helped in how I was able to advise her and discuss possible options and scenarios of what might be in store down the line.
Handing her the keys to her new home, was a wonderful feeling for me in the short time I had to get to know her. I truly hope she enjoys the simplification of her life and the vibrancy and life of the neighborhood that she now lives in. Cheers!