Blog Buyer Old Portland Charm

Old Portland Charm

By Cristen Lincoln, July 5, 2022

Amanda and Matt came to us just under a year ago looking to find their first home. They wanted a house with old Portland charm and a kitchen that would allow Matt to work as a pastry chef from home. After a few months of looking at listings and getting acquainted with the Portland market, they jumped into their home search head first. During their search we saw a range of houses, some fitting their needs better than others. Finally, we pulled up to see their new house for the first time and they fell in love with it’s beautiful old Portland charm, kitchen, and outdoor space. They were elated to hear they got their offer accepted, and the rest of the process went smoothly from there. Move in day is right around the corner and they are excited to start the next chapter of their lives!

Cristen Lincoln

Principal Broker | Earth Advantage | Business Development | OR


Cristen has been a Portland real estate broker since 1993, giving her an exceptional understanding of the industry and the local market. She was born here, grew up here, and raised her own family here...
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  • T: 503-260-2414

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