Blog Buyer To mask or not to mask....

To mask or not to mask….

By Martin Cross, June 25, 2021

To mask or not to mask, that is the question. The world is beginning to feel like it may return to normal some day soon. Portlanders have been pretty good about following the mask mandate throughout the pandemic. And while most of us will still follow the rules for going into businesses or in other situations (like Real Estate showings) where they are told they must wear a mask, it seems like just prior to Memorial Day weekend, with the encouraging news releases that came out, everyone decided that all bets (masks) are off!

It’s been a bit shocking to me how quickly people just began taking their masks off and gathering en masse.  But we all get to choose our own level of safety and comfort so you do you, and I’ll do me. As a fully vaccinated human in very good health otherwise, I still feel like the prudent path is better safe than sorry, for at least a few more weeks. Last thing I want is to be the guy who gets Covid as the pandemic is winding down.  

Martin Cross

Broker | OR & WA


I have lived in Portland my entire life and spent the last 20 years in the Creston-Kenilworth neighborhood of SE Portland. As such, I know inner SE like the back of my hand and I am very familiar with most neighborhoods in the Portland metro area...
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