Why Your Credit Score Matters When You Buy a Home Kelsey Burkett As mortgage interest rates continue to fluctuate, many potential buyers are considering whether now—or the near...
Should You Wait for Mortgage Rates to Drop? 6 Reasons to Buy a Home Now Beth Benner The Federal Reserve cut interest rates by half a point earlier this week, which resulted in...
Opt-out of mortgage trigger calls Alyssa Starelli SEEKING LENDING? Listen Up! After a mortgage credit inquiry, buyers receive 50-80 calls within 24 hours,...
Advocacy and Service: The Secret Sauce to Happy and Successful Homeowners in 2023! Jessica LeDoux A Year of Exceptional Service: Our Team’s Real Estate Journey in 2023 2023 was a year...
Understanding Home Equity: What it is and How it Benefits You Mel Marzahl Owning a home is a significant achievement, and it can also be a smart financial move....
How to Afford Your First Home: A Quick Resource Guide Veronica Ocejo Johnson If you’re just starting your home purchase journey, you’re probably asking yourself, how do people even...
Understanding today’s market environment. Living Room Realty What is going on in today’s market? Is now a good time...
Want to get pre-qualified during the times of Covid-19..? Living Room Realty There are a few tips I would like to leave current Portland, Oregon residents who are...