SOLD! Christopher Johnson Congratulations to Bryan & Joey for selling their first home and then investment property. Taking advantage...
Just Sold! Tranquil Townhome in Amazing Aloha Living Room Realty Congratulations to Alex and Marina! These two are beautiful Beaverton clients of mine who just sold...
Montavilla Neighborhood Live/Work Townhome Living Room Realty Recently updated live/work townhome in the Montavilla neighborhood with easy pedestrian and bicycle access to all...
Home Sweet Home…Finally! Danielle Deschenes Would you believe me if I told you that Chad and Susan had been looking for...
Sold- An Escape to Nature Living Room Realty Ken and Jo have been married for over 21 years; quite an accomplishment in itself. They’ve...
Breaking Records at Liberty Oaks! Marissa Sainz Record-breaking sale for this townhome! I was referred to the sellers of this home after helping...
Tualatin Townhouse for a Terrific Family Alyssa Isenstein Krueger Seven years ago I helped some of my favorite buyers ever, Hanna and Kylan, buy their...
Finding The Elusive Unicorn In Record Low Inventory Living Room Realty Eva and Ben are a young newlywed couple looking for their first home. When I first...