Blog Stories There & Back Again....Another Hobbit's Tale

There & Back Again….Another Hobbit’s Tale

By Living Room Realty, February 28, 2018

Who knew that when Mark & Jacqueline moved back to Portland…it would be to The Shire? Once upon a time my clients lived in a place called McMinnville. Several years ago, before the age of man, the powerful forces of careers and sunnier skies pulled them to a mystical place called The Colorado. Their life was happy there, but only for a time. Powerful forces were at play that began to dry the wet lands of this region of Middle Earth turning it into dust bowl. Our travelers began to feel that a war for water would soon be at hand. With that pressure in the offing, they loaded all of there belonging into a large steel horse that would eventually meet them at their new place of residence.

Their search for a new home began in earnest upon their arrival to this green and wet world called The Beaverton. A proper hovel was hard to come by and we had to go down many roads before we found one that was suitable for their needs. But alas, there were four other groups of travelers that wanted it more! Two groups of Elves and two groups of Orcs. They say that it is always darkest before the dawn. It was a Saturday when we first found the home in The Shire. The battle was short and victory was ours!!

The steel horse hauling their goods from The Colorado was a few days early! Blast! And the battle for early access was underway! Long live Jacqueline & Mark in their town-home on SW Creekshire Drive!


Living Room Realty

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