Blog Stories The Best $700 I Ever Spent!

The Best $700 I Ever Spent!

By Living Room Realty, February 23, 2018

When I was 26, I was living on top of the Star E Rose on Alberta and wanted a truck because I wouldn’t leave the house if it was raining and it was always raining.  I found this little yellow pickup for $800 on Craigslist in St. Johns.  When I got there and drove it, it only ran in 1st and 3rd gear but I was so in love and optimistic I offered the guy $700 and drove it back home.

Back then there was this guy Joe that lived in his camper on the corner of 20th and Sumner.  He was sort of the neighborhood mechanic, but you had to catch him early or he’d be too drunk.  He and I drove out to some junk yard in Washington and bought a new transmission and he threw it in for me the next day.  Aside from that, I really haven’t had to do much more to it in over 10 years.

She’s not my daily driver anymore, I mostly just use her for dump runs or Home Depot, but I will never get rid of her.  I can’t tell you how many times this truck has come in handy.  I’ve moved 9,000 times, moved so many friends, picked up motorcycles, hauled trash out of client’s houses (not that I love doing that), and loan it out to friends when they come to town.  My days of moving people are over, but you can borrow it if you need it.



Living Room Realty

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