By Living Room Realty, May 14, 2019
By Living Room Realty, May 14, 2019
Lately I’ve been working with lots of folks who have been down-sizing. Frankly, I’m jealous. I spent my 20’s and 30’s acquiring stuff, then I woke up one day in my 40’s and decided that I didn’t really want much of it. It has made me really question what “stuff” is. And asking the question: do you own it or does it own you? It also makes me reflect back to a great George Carlin quote: “Have you ever noticed that everyone else’s stuff is shit and all of your shit is stuff?” Anyway, I just want to get rid of all of my shit and only keep my stuff.
Long story short, I’m stuck with most of my stuff and my client has an awesome opportunity to off load some baggage as he moves into his new, smaller home.