We met over the summer, Candace had just graduated from Medical school, and was moving back to the Portland area with her new job in Sleep Medicine. Alex had been holding down the fort, and their home here in Portland for the last few years, keeping himself busy with home projects, his love of home-brewing, and enduring lonely, sleepless nights apart from Candace.
They let me know of their dreams to move to close-in NE, and away from their current house and into that bigger 2nd home. Hopes of spaces for family, and a little more elbow room – also the cozy comfort of living in that “not-first-time” home that doesn’t quite need as much work, were images that floated through their heads during afternoon siestas.
The first home we found and put in an offer, was a classic Alberta-Arts bungalow, brick exterior and inviting front porch, the works!!! But after inspections – the home turned out to be a nightmare… it definitely fell under the “too much work” category – and likely would keep Alex and Candace up all hours of the night, so they had to move on from it.
But they didn’t want to slumber on their search, or hit snooze on the chance of finding the right second home, and they did not get a bit of shut-eye until they found it. This home was a dream come true, with more space, and walkable to so many great places in Concordia and Alberta Arts.
Now they can sleep well, with the peace and tranquility of a dream fulfilled, and the ease of living their perfect home.
Here’s to many happy years in your new home, go get some shut-eye!!
Matt Guy
Principal Broker | OR
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