By Beth Benner, November 2, 2020
By Beth Benner, November 2, 2020
My most recent first time home buyers are ‘kids’ I’ve known since he was 3 years old. They came to me about a year ago with a plan to buy their first home at the end of 2020. We talked through their wish list and what their savings plan would be between then and now. I was blown away at what these 20-somethings had already accomplished, and what they planned to do within a year. They had their lives together far more than I did at that age!
The home touring process was fun…these two are a riot, and for being just past newlyweds, very in tune with one another and we’d openly discuss likes/dislikes of each home.
When we found the one they decided to make an offer on, they came in strong in price and terms in a competing offer situation, and ultimately their offer was accepted. Through the inspection process a few fairly big ticket items came up and we calmly negotiated with the sellers.
Once again, I was so impressed with their level-headedness … I almost forgot this was their first time! To say I am proud would be an understatement, and I feel pretty lucky to be a part of Taylor and Mackenzie’s journey – I know there’s more to come!