By Olivia Rush, January 6, 2022
By Olivia Rush, January 6, 2022
Woohoo! Congratulations to my clients Peter and Dawa on the purchase of their first home together in SE Portland.
Peter and Dawa were referred to me by a previous client. They had been working with another realtor who they felt didn’t understand their needs or urgency. Baby Daisy was due in April, and they were not trying to run out the clock on finding a home.
Peter and Dawa were not picky – but they also were not willing to settle. They knew they wanted to be in SE, and had already expanded their search east of 205. So far, it had been difficult to find a property with that elusive 2nd full bathroom in their price range – at least one that wasn’t a major fixer.
We saw a handful of homes – some of them very strange – before we noticed Market, which had been sitting on the market for over 50 days. The location of the kitchen was odd – in an addition at the back of the house – and had deterred previous buyers. However, the large flat backyard, 3 bed/2 bath layout, dining room, and overall great condition of the home more than made up for the kitchen – which was actually pretty spacious!
We came in $15K below list price, and the sellers countered at $10K below. Peter and Dawa accepted, and we booked inspections immediately. The only large issue was elevated radon levels, and we successfully negotiated $4000 credit for that! The appraisal came in $5K higher than our purchase price, another win for the expecting family.
Peter and Dawa will get to spend the final trimester moving in, decorating, and getting the place ready for Daisy’s arrival. I couldn’t be happier for them; cheers to this party of two, soon to be three!