By Kim Parmon, August 23, 2019
By Kim Parmon, August 23, 2019
Sometimes, in real estate, we are tasked with making the impossible happen. So it was with Matt and Heidi. After scouring Oregon City (where Matt grew up) for a couple of weeks, we found it: the one! It was on a quiet street. It backed to green space. It had the big garage they wanted. And, best of all, it was below budget. We needed to move fast!
There was only one problem, though: the house they needed to sell before buying wasn’t under contract yet. And the dream house had an offer in! Negotiations with that offer were already underway. When I called Matt to tell him I could hear the defeat in his voice. He was sure we were going to have to start the search all over again.
Sometimes things work out exactly right. As we were strategizing (because where there’s a will there’s a way!) I got a pretty magical phone call: there was an offer coming in on the house we needed to sell. The agent told me what to expect from the offer and it sounded just about perfect. While we waited to officially see it in writing I crafted the offer for the dream house and gave that agent a call to try to halt negotiations with the offer they already had.
The next three hours were tense: we got the offer on Matt and Heidi’s house, went through it, vetted the lender, and accepted it. We submitted the offer on the dream house and held our breath. And then the phone call came in: our offer was accepted! We had pulled it off! We were all giddy from excitement. Days like this are what it’s all about!
Yesterday, Matt and Heidi closed on the house that makes them happy and I couldn’t be more thrilled for them. Congratulations, Matt and Heidi!