Blog Stories It Usually All Comes Together

It Usually All Comes Together

By Living Room Realty, July 9, 2019

As a buyer’s agent you always get the call from the listing agent right after the inspection: How did things go today? For the house that Denise & Justin just bought, the answer was: There wasn’t any one thing that was really bad…but good grief, there is a lot of stuff!

The big items usually are: roof, sewer line, radon, oil tank & electrical system. On this inspection all of those items were just fine. But we found asbestos in the attic insulation, rats in the crawl space, an HVAC system from the Clinton-Era along with some needed updates. Each one of those items is not exorbitantly expensive, but together they combine to a healthy chunk of change. At one point the buyers were “80% out of this deal”.

We worked our way through each repair and either developed a comfort level with it or found someone to fix it. Rather than having the seller do any repairs, we negotiated a hefty credit so the buyers didn’t have to spend much on their closing costs. It turned into a win-win. Like I always say: where there is a will, there is a way. In this transaction the will ebbed and flowed, but we all found a way in the end.

Living Room Realty

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