By Living Room Realty, February 24, 2021
By Living Room Realty, February 24, 2021
At first glance, Sierra’s home search criteria appeared fairly normal. During our new client launch meeting, I asked her, one of the most important questions a realtor can ask their client. That is “what would this change mean for your life?”.
I was expecting her response to maybe be about growing her wealth portfolio, more privacy from roommates, ability to put down roots. However, I thoroughly enjoyed hearing her say “hula-hooping. I would like to have room for my hula-hooping”. Apparently, she’s quite good and has even dabbled in performing.
Fast forward to today and we secured her an excellent starter home with an extra bedroom completely designated to what brings her joy.
Congratulations to Sierra and all of those folks out there with the ambition to go after what makes them truly happy!
XOXO, Virginia