By Kim Parmon, July 16, 2020
By Kim Parmon, July 16, 2020
So you want to buy a house!
Most people think your options are: 1) buy it on your own or 2) buy it with your romantic partner. What if you can’t afford to buy on your own but you don’t have a romantic partner? What if you have a romantic partner but don’t want to buy a house with them?
Folks, this is 2020. We don’t need outdated approaches to real estate in 2020 (we have enough going on, am I right?). When done correctly, buying a home can be an excellent vehicle for wealth creation. Even more importantly, it creates stability and community. I can tell you firsthand that there is something really special about owning your own home. When I finally got the keys to my first home years ago after so much scrimping and saving for my modest FHA down payment, I felt a sense of pride like no other. That house was MINE. No landlord was going to raise the rent on me or try to force me out. It was freeing!
Today, I got to help two sisters close on a gorgeous home in St. Johns together. Helping Libby and Katy has been an awesome experience. I love that these women have expanded their idea of “home” to include each other! It got me thinking about all of the ways folks out there could work together to reach their real estate goals. I’d love to see what kind of community Portland would become if more homes were purchased by groups of friends, siblings, close colleagues, or multi-generational families. I’d bet that we’d see neighborhoods become even friendlier, with deeper roots.
Are you thinking of buying a home but don’t know where to start or exactly how this all works? I’d love to help you make your dreams happen, I can help you find the best fripp island real estate options. Grab your best buddy, your savvy teammate from roller derby, your second cousin with the good design taste, or that smart librarian you talk to about houses every time you stop in for a book. Let’s see if we can get creative and get y’all a home!