By Olivia Rush, November 2, 2021
By Olivia Rush, November 2, 2021
I recently had the chance to be a part of a non-traditional real estate transaction. It couldn’t have gone better. Here’s what happened.
I used to work with Johnny at my old brokerage (we are now both at new brokerages). He had been working with friends of his, Becca and Ryan, for a few months. Becca and Ryan were shopping for their first home, but hadn’t found it yet.
Meanwhile, Johnny and fiancé Chloe were wanting to move out of the city to be closer to the mountain. It dawned on Johnny that their house would actually be a great fit for Becca and Ryan, and he proposed the idea to them. They were 100% interested.
However, Johnny’s managing broker was not about it, so he reached out to me to see if I would be interested in representing Becca and Ryan. I thought about this a bit – would it be weird? worth it? – but after meeting Becca and Ryan over Zoom, I of course wanted to! They were just too lovely.
We all agreed that they would cut their communication with Johnny until the transaction was over. It was a fairly easy process. Realtors tend to be extra attuned to their homes, so there wasn’t much that came up during inspections. Honestly, the hardest part was waiting for the 45 day close and then the 3 week rentback – which we are still in!
Not your typical transaction, but I’ll get to toast champagne with BOTH the buyers AND the sellers on key day – a first for me! Cheers to Becca, Ryan, Johnny and Chloe! A true win-win-win for all, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.