Seattle vs. Portland…..who wins when it comes to livability?
Hands down…Portland.
I helped sell Stacy and Wolf’s house here is Portland OR two years ago. They were moving to Seattle to be closer to grandparents for their child. They also were disheartened by how much Portland had changed. After two years in Seattle, they were ready to move back! Though Portland has been changing drastically over the last 10 years, Portland hasn’t lost its soul. Seattle on the other hand, has become so expense, only the well paid tech workers can now afford to live there. Seattle now has very little art scene, music scene, cultural identity outside of the institutions. It has lost its grassroots culture to big money. Unfortunate.
Portland continues to change, but I argue, in the right ways. People continue to move to Portland to be a part of Portland culture, not to over-run it. People are still nice here. There is a club or organization for anything you can imagine. For example, I just learned there is a large group of pet rabbit owners who get together and talk about rabbits. Who knew?!
Stacy and Wolf are excited to be back in Portland. They found an amazing house for their family, with a basement to convert to an ADU for grandma in the Sabin neighborhood. Portland…amazing neighborhoods, healthy music scene, affordable living, thriving community. Welcome back!