By Alyssa Starelli, June 7, 2021
By Alyssa Starelli, June 7, 2021
It was the middle of Covid 19, Year 2021 — both our faces covered by masks — I had only her smiling eyes to tell me if she really liked a place. A referral from a past-client/friend, Sally lamented not being able to have the ‘real’ Realtor experience (where you hop in a single car together and shop until you’re slap happy and speaking in code that both wholly understand) like her friend Corrinna had. But we made the absolute best of it.
Our first meeting we sat outside at the farthest ends of the longest picnic table, and over a beer I jabbered on about how the process would likely go with the current and ever changing constraints. We would drive separately “convoy style”, mask up, sani-up, and sometimes wait outside in the driving wind to get our turn at an open house. We’d be sure to cover our shoes and carry wet wipes to touch any surface — my germ phobia stronger than ever.
Via this method, we plodded along for months and saw heart-breakingly fabulous houses, moderately boring houses, definitely-too-hideous houses, and even a house that saw a good amount of adult-partying in the 1970’s and stayed that way! Despite the Covid modifications, we did shop to exhaustion and definitely found that special coded language that told me in a few words, maybe just a sigh, all I needed to know…
We wrote on a few houses and were painfully out-bid despite our best effort. It was a marathon-like challenge, but then there was one: a 1960’s Tri-Level nestled in the tall swaying pine trees, not far from Sally’s all-time favorite Grocery Outlet location, and a hop and skip commute from work. It had more rooms than she’d even dreamt of. It was really cute and it felt right. We wrote a healthy offer and it stuck! Weeks later Sally was picking up her keys and getting a 3 hr tour from the previous owners. That felt right too.
My promise to Sally is that when one day she decides to change homes, we’ll hop in that car and shop until we literally drop.
Congrats to you on your new purchase, Sally, and thank you so much for choosing me to be your Realtor. Moreover, thank you to Corrinna for referring me to her long time best friend, who will now be my friend. I’m lucky to know gals like you!