Blog Stories The Perfect Place for Patrick

The Perfect Place for Patrick

By Kim Parmon, June 1, 2021

It is truly the highest honor when one of my colleagues asks to engage my services.  I know that these folks are surrounded by amazing Realtors on a daily basis, so it means the world to me when they decide to work with me.  One such colleague, Patrick, reached out to me several months ago.  He had been renting for several years, and his landlord was about to tear his rental down and build a multiplex.  Patrick was stressed, but he wanted to take this negative and turn it into a positive!  He figured this was a great time for him to buy his own place.

Patrick’s search criteria was simple enough: he wanted a house that didn’t feel too large for a single guy.  He wanted something he could add equity to.  He wanted something close to his work in Lake Oswego.  And, most importantly, he wanted an incredible yard.  He was willing to put in sweat equity and had a reasonable budget, but this market is TOUGH.  We found a couple houses that would work for him and wrote strong offers.  Patrick was rejected both times.  I could tell that he felt defeated.  I know in my bones that the right house always shows up at the right time, but it’s hard to get people to believe it until they see it.

And then, there it was: the perfect house.  It was small enough for a single guy, and yet still spacious.  It had the most incredible yard with beautiful, mature landscaping.  And it was located in Lake Oswego, which Patrick was sure would be out of reach in his price range!  We wrote a strong offer, and held our breath.  This time the stars aligned, and it was accepted!

I am so proud of Patrick’s persistence.  He got the perfect house!

Kim Parmon

Principal Broker | Earth Advantage Certified | OR


Kim Parmon Principal Broker  Lead Listing Agent Earth Advantage Certified | OR Oregon is the fifth state that Kim has called home in her life, and this one is sticking!  After moving multiple times in her childhood, Kim fully understands how empowering homeownership and having roots is...
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