By Alyssa Isenstein Krueger, June 29, 2023
By Alyssa Isenstein Krueger, June 29, 2023
Let’s talk about vintage/retro kitchens. Personally, I love them and can’t get enough when details like original tile backsplashes, countertops, and cabinets and hardware are still intact 50-100 years later. Very few things make me sadder in the housing world when someone takes a perfectly functional and sweet vintage kitchen and tears it all out. I’m good with re-inventing vintage kitchens or taking vintage kitchens and figuring out ways to work in a dishwasher or modern fridge when a key original feature has been worked into the design. I’m lucky that so many of my buyers and sellers also appreciate mainly intact vintage kitchens, and over the last 16 years I’ve helped folks buy and sell homes with too many to count vintage kitchens. Here’s a smattering of my favorites. Most are from the last few years, but a few are oldies but goodies.