For most of us Summer is just getting started. BUT if you’re planning to sell your home this Fall, now is the time to prepare!
1) Start purging, tidying & packing (This always takes longer than you think it will. Start this asap!).
2) Work on/schedule any needed repairs or maintenance.
3) Talk with an Agent about your goals and timeline.
4) If you’re planning to make another purchase, talk with a Lender (Your Agent will likely have some good referrals for you!)
5) Discuss strategies with your Agent regarding how to make your home compelling to Buyers (Fall is a short selling season so proper positioning is key to success).
Prepping your home for market can feel like a daunting task. Your Agent can help you prioritize tasks to stay on schedule and focus your efforts on the projects with the biggest impact and return on investment.
My team of professionals can help you get your home to where it needs to be to attract Buyers. Give me a call for a complimentary consult to get you stated and on the path to “SOLD!”
Veronica Powell