Safeguarding Your Home & Family: Planning Basics for Disaster Scenarios in Portland, Oregon

It’s not a matter of if… but when.” We hear that a lot about The Big One. The earthquake that anyone who lives in the PacNW knows about. And wildfires? They seem to be edging closer to city limits every fire season.

Disaster planning isn’t our favorite thing to think about. No one wants to imagine themselves, their families, or their homes in danger. And, it can seem daunting on where to start, without sending strong prepper vibes. Here in Magicland we combed through some resources that will hopefully help.

Understand Local Hazards
Knowledge is power! Are you aware of the risks you may face based on where you live? Portland, situated in the Pacific Northwest, faces various risks, including earthquakes (Hello Cascadia Subduction Zone), wildfires during dry seasons, winter storms, and occasional flooding.

Earthquake Preplanning
No one knows when, but we can secure heavy furniture, appliances, and wall hangings to prevent injuries during an earthquake. It’s not a bad idea to consult an expert to conduct a structural assessment of your home and consider retrofitting if necessary. Identify safe spots within your home, such as under sturdy furniture, away from windows, and practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” drills with your family. If you have young adults in your family who respond well to gaming, try sending them to a resource created to help prepare all of us for the potential of earthquakes.

Wildfire Safety
During those crucial dry months, take steps to protect your property and family. Create a defensible space around your home by removing dead vegetation and flammable materials. It’s a good idea to install spark arrestors on chimneys and vents and have an evacuation plan in place if you are in a high-risk area. Stay informed about wildfire alerts and advisories issued by local authorities. You can use the website, to see local alerts or text your zip code to 888777 to receive text alerts.

Flood Preparedness
Our beloved Portland is often at risk of flooding due to heavy downpours, this can lead to flooding, especially in low-lying areas. It’s imperative to know the flood risk for your home and to take preventative measures, which may include keeping electrical appliances off the floor or installing sump pumps. As always, stay up to date on local weather reports and disaster alerts and be prepared to evacuate as necessary.

Family Emergency Plan
Developing a family emergency plan is vital to ensure that every family member knows what to do and where to go in case of an emergency. Make time to sit down with your family and discuss evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and essential contact information for relatives and emergency services. Regular practice drills conducted every six months can reinforce the plan and ensure everyone is familiar with the procedures.

Build an Emergency Kit
Assembling a well-stocked emergency kit can be a lifesaver during disaster situations. Your kit should include essential items such as non-perishable food, drinking water, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, blankets, personal hygiene items, and any necessary medications. Customize the kit based on your family’s unique needs and remember to update it regularly to account for changing circumstances.

Disaster preparedness is not an option; it’s a responsibility that every homeowner with a family in Portland must shoulder. By understanding the potential hazards, creating a family emergency plan, building an emergency kit, and taking specific measures for earthquake, wildfire, and flood preparedness, you can significantly increase the safety and resilience of your home and loved ones.

Remember, preparedness is an ongoing process, and regularly reviewing and updating your plans will help you stay ahead of any potential disaster scenarios. By taking proactive steps today, you can face the future with confidence and ensure that your family’s well-being is protected, no matter what challenges may come your way. Stay safe and stay prepared!