Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Here are 5 things you need to do to get your home ready for spring.

Hi, I’m Ash Jimenez, I’m the Maintenance Manager and General Contractor for the Living Room Fixer’s maintenance team.

We’ve reached that time of year where the weather is getting warmer & dryer, kinda. With that in mind here’s a seasonal spring checklist to help you prepare your home for what will hopefully be the warmer dryer months ahead.

1. Get Those Windows Looking Fresh!

Wash exterior windows and install or repair screens as needed. This will give you the best view of all that beautiful sunshine and make sure no unwanted little friends make their way into your home when you’re leaving those windows open to let nature be your AC unit.

2. Inspect The Roof & Gutters

Roofs are expensive to replace, patch or fix. Help keep them tip top and extend their longevity by removing moss, checking for damage and giving them an overall cleaning. While you’re up there check the gutters to make sure there are no clogs or obstructions. Clogged gutters often lead to water being directed up under your roof, which is bad news bears.


3. Clean Yard Furniture & Grill

With spring comes BBQ season and you don’t wanna be caught off guard when that impromptu gathering pops off at your house. Plan ahead by removing all pitch or other unsavory winter collection from your yard furniture as well as scrubbing & cleaning your grill now, so it’s ready when the party is.


4. Take Your Driveway & Sidewalks To The Spa

Power wash your driveways and sidewalks to not only make them look nice by removing staining, but also alleviates hazards such as moss & leaf residue that can be a slip or falling hazard.


5. Refresh The Yard!

Tidy up  landscaping and flower beds… give the walkways some TLC. We recommend power washing those as well.


Call Us Today!

The Living Room Fixers are a full service Maintenance team that can assist you with any of these services and many more. If you have any questions or inquiries, call us today, chances are we can fix it.  


Shop Talk Vol. 4: Summer Home Maintenance Projects You Should Prioritize

Portland’s recent heatwave has residents withering, but summer isn’t completely brutal. In fact, the season is particularly beneficial for home owners, who can use the long days and dry conditions to complete their to-do list of summer home maintenance projects.

Paint the Exterior of Your Home

Summer is the ideal time of year to finally get around to painting the exterior of your home. Warm days and limited temperature fluctuation ensure the paint dries consistently, helping to avoid frustrating issues such as peeling and cracking. Painting your homes exterior will help to improve resistance to tumultuous winter weather. Additionally, a fresh coat of paint will increase the curb appeal and market value of your home!

Top Off Your Mulch

A simple task with a big payoff, mulching is another project sure to boost your home’s curb appeal and value. Adding a new layer of mulch helps to prevent growth of invasive plants while retaining moisture in the soil. These conditions are great for your plants and will allow them to flourish all summer long!

Clean Off Your Screens

Seasons of heavy rain and pollen can take a toll on your windows and screens. Be sure to prioritize their cleanup during the summer months, as clean screens help to promote the quality of your home’s air. To rejuvenate your screens, remove them from the window pane and scrub them using soapy water and a sponge. While your screens airdry, take a fresh bucket of soapy water or a bottle of glass cleaner to your window exteriors.

Reverse the Direction of Your Fan

Your ceiling fans should change direction in accordance with the season. In warm months, be sure your fan is set to a counter-clockwise rotation. This creates a cooling sensation as air gets pushed in a downward motion. In winter months, a clockwise rotation will help to redistribute warm air around the room.

Replace Your Air Filter

If you’re relying on an air conditioning system to beat the heat, be sure to change your air filter throughout the summer. Some HVAC experts from phs Warner Howard even recommend changing the filter once a month during peak seasons. Ensuring a clear air filter will reduce buildup and decrease the likelihood of debris causing damage to your system.

These summer home maintenance projects will work to keep your home in tip-top shape throughout the seasons to come. For projects that require some external help, let Aryne + Dulcinea connect you with one of their local home repair experts!


About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals