So many years…

57 years ago, the payment for the house was in a paper bag…cash. Cash that was long saved for and painstakingly secured through hours of work. For a house full of promises and safety and love. A stark contrast to the years of the Holocaust that robbed them of their family, friends, hopes and dreams. But this house in Hillsdale would be the respite from that dark past, a fresh start from the years of trauma. And so this cash payment started a new cycle which brought some joy into their lives and growth into the land.  And 57 years later, in 2021, a new cash buyer came along who will plant the next set of joyful dreams.

Nob Hill Treasures

20 years of books, games, loved possessions…kids’ homework assignments, that “must-have” antique or work of art. Everything gets collected and put in its place. But how do you choose what gets packed and what doesn’t? What goes to storage vs what gets donated? How do you pare back 20 years of living in one house? But they did it! My clients dove in and kept the treasured and donated to where it’s needed most. Each son got his care package of memories, the new flat in Seattle has some of the key treasures, too. And then you say goodbye to your gorgeous sanctuary of 20 years and pass the baton to the next family so they can bring their treasures and find new nooks and crannies.

Condo with a View

Transitions, changes, moves….that’s what this condo purchase was about. My client was leaving Nashville and heading to Portland so she could be near her son and his brother in Seattle. Having lost her husband several years earlier, she wanted to be close to them and start fresh. This was her first purchase on her own. 100% her decision! We were looking for the right neighborhood where she felt safe walking her pups at night. Where she could walk to coffee shops and restaurants, and where she could get to know the landscape of her new city, Portland! We checked out neighborhoods, looked at condos and townhouses and landed on this beautiful NW condo with panoramic views of Portland. And, now the journey of discovery begins!

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again…and again!

My clients were expecting their 2nd child and already had a toddler to chase…missing out in Portland’s brisk seller’s market wasn’t an option! So, we pulled up our boot straps and got down to it!

With the precision of an air traffic controller, I carefully planned our afternoon of showings like a mosaic across town. I found the perfect options that checked all the boxes. Bam…we got a hit on day one! A well-crafted offer was submitted and we excitedly awaited the outcome. It was a “no”.

Brush it off, get back up and do it again…and again. 7 more times, actually.  Don’t lose faith, stay in the game and keep going.  Maybe it’s the 3rd time, or in this case, the 8th, it will happen. House buying karma will be in your favor, too! You will soon be handed the keys to your new home and say, “This is so worth it! I’m so glad we hung in there!”

Prepping Pays!

Even in a Seller’s market, prepping your house for Buyers’ eyes is vital. Whether you’re painting in more neutral shades, de-cluttering or hiring a professional stager, you will definitely garner a higher sales price with some good old-fashioned elbow grease. My clients took their darkly painted great room and turned it into a bright and light family oasis! A neutral paint shade, turning the fireplace white and investing in a professional stager paid off. They received multiple offers within 2 days and closed their sale well above their asking price.  Congratulations, Laura & Joe! Thank you for working with me.

This is why I love Real Estate!

My Gladstone clients bought their first home 5 years ago and slowly set out to update/upgrade the house. No surface was left untouched, including the landscape! Every year, they took on a different project and in the 5th year of ownership, tackled a complete kitchen renovation. The works: new custom backsplash, converting the range to gas, beautiful quartz counters. When I put their house on the market, we knew it would garner tons of attention. After lots of showings and multiple offers, we found the perfect match….another first-time home buyer. As my clients lovingly said goodbye to their sweet house, I reminded them that their memories in that house will last a lifetime! And the 60% profit will help them get into house #2.