As you say goodbye to the history, the moments, the treasures shared, all of your ‘first experiences’ in your loving abode, it helps to remember that a new person will enter the door after you’ve gone and create their own beautiful memories. The house that held you will now hold another. I know first hand what it feels like to leave a house you have poured your heart and soul into. I think that we fear that where we are going won’t be as good as where we have been. I know I felt that last year when I sold my own home. What I learned is that a ‘home’ goes with you where ever you go. Its about the love inside the walls.
****My client shared this note left on the kitchen counter from a husband who knows she’s going through a tough time saying goodbye **** (I know some of you out there can relate)
I can I just say these were another set of my favorite clients EVER!!