Off-Market Success: Finally Home in Foster Powell!

Look at these two, looking the cutest on key day!

It’s been a journey. We started looking at homes in fall 2022. In November 2023, we had an offer accepted on a very, very different type of property. Thankfully, we dodged a bullet and terminated.

Terminating a transaction can feel like taking a giant step back. Instead, I encourage my clients to view it as a massive learning experience. We often get REAL CLEAR on what we do/don’t want after these experiences.

So it was with laser focus that N+L started looking again this spring/summer. We learned about an off market property coming to market in a few weeks and threw our hat in the ring.

Lucky for us, the sellers were eager to get the ball rolling. Double lucky for us, inspections were suuuuper chill. (Actually, not luck, but part of our strategy in looking at newer homes this time around).

The home appraised quite a bit higher than our purchase price – always love that instant equity. After closing and 3 weeks of rent back, these two finally got the keys to their first home (but not after a minor key fiasco as the final cherry on top of our 2+ year journey).

Cheers Nick + Lorreina 🥂 Welcome to the neighborhood! ✨