Selling During A Market Shift – A Good Story

It’s no wonder so many people are nervous to sell in a stabilizing market when we are being bombarded with articles titled: “The Fed is Killing The Housing Market”(CNN), “Here’s How Weird Things Are Getting In The Housing Market”(Bloomberg), and “Mortgage Application Plummets.”(NBC)  But we can assure you there are still good stories out there, and you’re about to hear one.

Veery had the opportunity to work with Leigh a few years ago to sell her home, and we were delighted to get the opportunity to work with them again!

Raymond and Leigh were ready for a change. They had just begun a new chapter in their lives together and part of this new chapter was a new home. They decided to sell their custom-built 2017 home and our team, Current Dwelling Group, had the amazing opportunity to help make this happen.

Raymond + Leigh read the same headlines and articles. We asked if this made them worried going into the preparation of selling their home.

“My main fear was that the house would be sitting throughout winter. If we had not followed the advice from Veery and Jason and did the work to make the house super sellable we might have experienced that, but being well prepared and understanding the market position made a big difference in not being subject to that negativity. And the marketing plan pulled in the right people.” – Raymond

Right away we focused on gathering the right information for Raymond and Leigh to know where their home stood on the market and what was an ideal and attainable goal.

“Jason did a great job at looking at comps to help us optimize our position in the market. That was great! Veery is great at keeping us informed and giving us a heads up on potential wrinkles and making them feel so small. ” – Leigh

We got our plan together on how to make this house shine and emphasize it’s strengths. “We knew the house needed some work, but I didn’t realize that the painting, yard work and touch ups would end up looking this great. I didn’t understand the need for a fence, but you all did and it paid off!” – Raymond

Our greatest joy in listing prep is gaining our client’s trust and then blowing them away with the results.  We have spent decades building up relationships with high quality, reliable vendors. Each and every one of them are incredibly skilled in their craft. Each of our vendors put their special touch on this house to get it ready for market. Not only did they pull it off, they made the home shine the way it should!



The home went live on October 6 and within a 3 days we had multiple serious and competitive offers. An offer was accepted 5 days after going live and a closing date set in 2 weeks time.


There are good sales happening right now during this market shift.

Having successfully sold their home during this shift, we asked Raymond + Leigh what advice they would give someone on their home selling journey:

  • Raymond “find someone you can trust and trust them.” 
  • Leigh “If you don’t have someone. Call Veery!” 

Here’s to you, Raymond + Leigh! Thank you for putting your trust in us and allowing us to serve you. We loved working with you both and hope this new season of life is full of peace and joy.