The Importance Of Getting Pre-Approved | Did You Know?

Hey there, I’m Karim Alaeddine, Principal Broker at Living Room Realty.

Today, we’re diving into an essential step in your home buying journey, something you need to do before you even begin your search, this is getting a pre-approval letter.

So, why is this step so crucial, why does this step need to happen, and how does it serve you to get your ducks in a row now?


Why Is It So Important?

Imagine this…. you’ve found your dream home, the amazing kitchen, the cozy fireplace, a perfect floor plan, everything you’ve been dreaming of…..

But hold on! Before you can make an offer, the seller wants to know if you’re financially capable of buying their home. This is where the pre-approval letter comes in.

A pre-approval letter is like your passport to the world of home buying. It shows sellers that you’re serious and financially prepared to make an offer. Without it, you’re essentially saying to the sellers “just trust me… i got this.” Sellers want assurances that their prospective buyer can and will follow through.

Clarity & Confidence

But it’s not just about impressing sellers. A pre-approval letter also gives you clarity and confidence in your home buying journey. It helps you understand your budget, set realistic expectations, and focus your search on homes you can actually afford.

By getting pre-approved, you’ll save yourself time and frustration by avoiding homes that are out of your price range. Plus, when you do find the perfect home, you’ll be ready to make a confident offer in a timely manner, knowing that you’re already approved for financing.

So, before you start browsing listings and scheduling showings, take the time to get pre-approved. It’s a small step that can make a huge difference in your home buying journey. You will be thanking yourself later.


Make A Move

Are you ready to make a move? Call your agent today. We would love to help you find your next Living Room.


Did You Know?

Ready to level up your home buying knowledge? Delve into our “Did You Know?” series where we unpack essentials of the real estate process. From decoding home inspections to demystifying mortgages, we’re here to make your journey seamless. Explore more insightful tips tailored for your home buying adventure. Let’s make your real estate dreams a reality!

Did You Know – Building Your Home Buying Team


Hey there, I’m Karim Alaeddine, Principal Broker at Living Room Realty.

Today, we’re discussing your home buying team, which consists of your lender of choice and your trusted realtor. So, what makes these two players so crucial in your quest for that unique home, that Living Room of your own?


Let’s first talk about the lender and the importance of the somewhat magical pre-approval letter. This document is your golden ticket in a competitive housing market. It establishes your commitment, and potential, to become a homeowner. It shows sellers that you’re not just serious, but financially capable of buying a home.

If you’re not familiar with who you’d like to use as your lender, talk with your agent. Most agents have a roster of trusted lenders they can recommend.

With a pre-approval letter in hand, you can confidently make offers, knowing your own boundaries and budget. And this helps your realtor tailor your home search to real and achievable options for you, saving time and energy. And critically, this self awareness builds the foundation for strong negotiations when making offers.

Finding The Right Agent For You

Now, let’s talk about your real estate agent. Beyond just finding & showing you homes, your realtor is your strategic partner on this journey. They’re your advocate and a knowledgeable touring partner who helps evaluate properties, potential, risks, and opportunities.

When that fateful day arrives and it’s time to write an offer on the home of your dreams, your realtor’s fiduciary duty and experience in the market will be the backbone for negotiating on your behalf.

Beginning with educating you on the nuances of purchase contracts and contingencies, guiding you through the complexities of crafting a winning offer strategy tailored to current market conditions, and seamlessly managing the transactional flow – including inspections, appraisals, timelines, and necessary documentation – your realtor remains an unwavering presence at every stage of the process.

So, whether you’re just starting to explore the market or you’re ready to make that leap into homeownership, remember to assemble your dream team: a trusted lender armed with a pre-approval letter and a savvy realtor by your side. Together, we’ll turn your homeownership dreams into reality.

Make A Move

Ready to make a move? Call your agent today. We would love to help you find your next Living Room.


Did You Know?

Ready to level up your home buying knowledge? Delve into our “Did You Know?” series where we unpack essentials of the real estate process. From decoding home inspections to demystifying mortgages, we’re here to make your journey seamless. Explore more insightful tips tailored for your home buying adventure. Let’s make your real estate dreams a reality!


Wowza! The official and new 2022 conforming loan limit is now $647,200 (an increase of $98,950 from $548,250 in 2021).

This gives buyers much more purchase power and if you have any other lender questions, contact us today and we will put you in touch with a few wonderful lenders to talk to!

About Us: Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped hundreds of clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.

Forbearance Versus Loan Modification: Don’t Lose Your Home on a Technicality

With 15 million Americans having lost their jobs since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, we’re seeing unemployment numbers pushed to their highest levels since the great depression. We are carefully following what options are out there for homeowners who are unable to make their mortgage payments. We want to be sure that if you find yourself struggling to make your mortgage payment, you take the time to really understand what is being offered to you. We would be heartbroken if you lost your property due to fine print and technicalities that weren’t clear to you when making your mortgage “stop-gap” decisions.

First, we have to say that we are not financial lawyers or advisors, so please call an expert in this field before you commit to anything in writing. Having said that, Kari worked the last recession and learned a thing or two that might be of help, and Erika is a lawyer who specializes in contracts (While Erika is not authorized to provide legal advice while serving in her capacity as real estate agent, we can provide you with recommendations for lawyers who can help you!)

How Forbearance Works

There is a big difference between forbearance and a loan modification. In most cases, forbearance only temporarily suspends your obligation to make your mortgage payment. The general term of suspension right now seems to be 90 days but it can be as much as one year, or as little as 30 days. With a forbearance option, you will be expected to pay back the amount you owed, but did not pay. That can mean a big, ugly balloon payment, required by your lender at the end of your forbearance term. This option will likely be very problematic for most people who aren’t able to come up with the funds for the balloon payment.

Do not assume that the amount you owe, will be added to the “back end” of your loan. Some lenders are expecting this payment at the end of your suspension period! Our advice is to ask detailed questions of your lender and make sure you understand the expectations of how and when you repay the amount you owe.

Be sure to ask what happens if you still are unable to pay your mortgage payment, once the forbearance term runs out. Find out what your options will be in advance if possible.

How Loan Modification Works

A loan modification is a negotiation undertaken with your lender to renegotiate the terms of your loan. That can mean a principal reduction, a lower interest rate, or an increase in the length of time the bank will allow you to pay back the loan. This will be the option you need if you are facing long-term financial hardship and can document your long-term hardship. If you can show your lender proof of a lengthy period of hardship, you may be able to change the terms of your loan to reduce your payments in some way, or your overall obligation.

Keep paying any amount you can towards your monthly mortgage payment. Even a small monthly payment sent to your lender, will put you in a better bargaining position, versus just stepping out. Showing your lender that you are responsible and trying to work out a payment plan, is a good negotiating tool.

Many lenders will want you to start with a forbearance option before offering you a loan modification. Keep as much documentation as you can regarding your hardship. Plan to speak with an attorney or a reputable loan modification company to assist you in your negotiations. A little money spent up front for knowledgeable counsel can save you a lot in the long run.

Please call us if you find yourselves in this position. We can help direct you to the appropriate professional to help you make a plan that will get you through these difficult times.

The Market in Focus: Non-Traditional Mortgages & Lending

By Aaron Nawrocki, Capital M Lending

Across Oregon, and the Portland market in particular, there has been a wave of rising home values and declining affordability. Buyers face more challenges in qualifying, and higher mortgage payments are testing buyers’ monthly budgets. As in the past, lenders are coming up with non-traditional mortgages & lending solutions designed to help buyers qualify for more home, even if their tax returns or verifiable income do not support the mortgage payment. It should be noted that these programs to not help the buyers make the payment, just qualify for the larger mortgage. Sounds a lot like 2005, doesn’t it?

Currently, these mortgages represent a very small percentage of the total mortgages originated. They are also reported differently to regulators and subject to greater scrutiny. Although financial memories tend to be short, it seems unlikely that these loan products will lead to any type of 2008-style meltdown. They just aren’t that prevalent and are unlikely to become so. What’s more likely is that individual consumers will be harmed – and likely the most vulnerable. There’s a saying in financial circles that “rich people don’t buy lottery tickets.” That means that the folks taking the most risk are typically those that can least afford it.

In addition to the mortgage types mentioned above, there is a new product that claims to actually help homebuyers borrow more with a lower monthly payment. If you have a lot of equity in your home, you’ve likely received multiple mail solicitations offering a payout or “investment” in return for sharing in your home’s appreciation when you sell.  Typically, the “investor” is offering a cash payout of 10% – 25% of the value of your home and no monthly payment is required. That would put $25,000 – $60,000 in the pocket of the homeowner with no change in monthly cash flow. Because the payout is considered an investment in return for partial ownership rather than a loan, the transaction is not subject to the standard mortgage disclosures that protect consumers. I’ve read the actual paperwork and it is confusing.

No monthly payments sounds awesome. It should not be assumed that just because there are no monthly payments that this product is a low cost source of funds. The investor is repaid with a percentage of the value increase when the home is sold and shares in any loss if the value declines (subject to caveats). It’s typically 30-70% of the appreciation, which could make the effective annual cost as high as 20%. If my Dad wrote this article, he would say something like: “The time you pay the most is when you think you’re getting something for free.”

One of the only positive byproducts of the financial crisis was the standardization of mortgage products. Lenders are required to make sure that borrowers can pay back the mortgage and prepayment penalties are nearly outlawed. This has made it easier for borrowers to avoid catastrophic errors. As the market changes and non-traditional mortgages & lending options become more complex, it is important to make sure you understand everything you sign. Seek counsel from professionals you respect and choose a lender you know and trust. And if you get an offer that seems too good to be true – remember what my Dad says – it probably is.

Aaron Nawrocki has over 20 years of direct experience overseeing mortgage and loan processes, working to provide clients the market insight and lending expertise required to make informed decisions.

About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.

Things to do after Final Mortgage Payment – A reminder

About Mortgage situation

You found your dream home, you decided to have it financed through a mortgage loan.  You have been paying your hard earned money every month for the last 15-30 years, or even more.

For all these years the ownership document of your home was in the name of lender/bank.

Satisfaction of Complete Repayment

Now you have payed your last installment of payment. Wow! This great feeling of relief and satisfaction; only you can feel the joy of it.

On checking your account you find the most valuable lines “Paid in Full”.  Now you too joined the esteemed group who have full, free and clear ownership of their home.

Congratulations! All the sacrifices you and your family made to have the ownership of the home has paid off well.

There are a number of important documents you need to collect. There are a few responsibilities you’ll need to take over now that no bank has a lien on your home.

These steps mentioned below can be helpful to you in ensuring that you have a clear ownership of your property after the mortgage is over.

The Final Documents to Collect and Clean Title Process…


1) Release of Lien:

After completion of full payment, your lender will send a document to the county or city registry office notifying them that your title is now clean.

Now lender will prepare and produce the document for Release of Lien. By doing this the lender indicates that lien the lender attached to the property while it was under mortgage is no longer valid.

The lender will produce the document of Release of Deed of Trust or Satisfaction of Mortgage, which will discharge your property from any claim from Lender.

Now there is no longer a lien on your property, it means that final authority of you home is with you.

Now you have full right and ownership on your home, especially if you decide to sell your home at any time.


2) Cancel your Automatic Mortgage Payments:

When you make a payment towards a mortgage every month, generally an automatic payout facility is set up from your bank account. This ensures that correct and prompt payment can be made towards the mortgage.

Now that the last and final payment is made towards it, you need to contact the bank and instruct them to stop the automatic deduction from your bank account towards the mortgage.


3) Expect to Receive some Important Documents:

There are few documents that you can obtain from various sources after the last payment towards mortgage, these indicate your complete ownership of the home. The documents are:


a) Mortgage Promissory Note: 


During purchase the mortgage loan lender asked for a mortgage promissory note signed by you as a means of security.

Now after the completion of full payment, the lender should cancel and return the mortgage promissory note signed by you.

This canceled promissory note proves that all the terms of the loan have been fulfilled and that you no longer owe the lender any money!


b)Payoff Notice:

Some lenders provide with the proper payoff notice after loan completion.

It indicates that you now have a zero balance on your home towards mortgage and that you owe nothing more to the lender.

The payoff notice shows that you now have a zero balance on your home, and full loan has been repaid back.


c)Trust Deed:

You may also receive the canceled trust deed, trust deed secured your loan with title to your house, and which conveys the home to a lender if the borrower defaults.

Some call it “Release of Deed of Trust” or “Mortgage Release” as well.


d)Credit Report:  

You also need to check your credit report to make sure your mortgage account now shows a zero balance.

Your mortgage company may not necessarily complete this essential action on its own.

So in such cases sometimes you may need to initiate the process so that the paid mortgage appears on your credit report.


e)Mortgage Statement:

Another important document to collect is the Complete Mortgage Statement. It is a document stating that you’ve paid off your home.

It indicates the total amount of interest paid by the borrower for a given calendar year.

Mostly this document is in form of a statement it indicates the total loan availed, and total interest repaid towards this mortgage.


When to expect?- What if not provided by the lender?:

It may take a few weeks to receive your completed paperwork from lender.

If even after a couple of weeks of making your last payment if lender doesn’t provide any document, reach out to them.

Then the lender has to be contacted to check on the status of your paperwork and also to make sure you receive it at the earliest.

Not all mortgage companies/lenders follow the same procedure, and some may not provide you with any documentation at all.

If yours lender doesn’t, feel free to ask them for copies of your paperwork to have it for your records.


4) Keep your Documents in a Safe Place:

Now that the ownership of the home is transferred in your name, the next step is to safe keeping of these mortgage documents.

These are the most important document that signifies your ownership of your home.

It is better keep it and other related documents in an actual safe or even in a safety deposit box.

By chance in the future if someone questions ownership of the property, or claims that you didn’t pay the loan off in full, then you can show these documents as proof.

These documents are also required in the future in case you are planning to sell the property.

These document prove your complete and free ownership of the property.

So proper provisions should be made to ensure safe keeping of these mortgage documents.

In cases of lost documents:

If by any chance you lose these important document there is no direct risk involved, as the actual ownership and possession is with you only.

In such case these documents can be re issued by paying of further fee.

But it can be quite a hassle to recollect new duplicate documents and replace them with the lost ones.

One can claim a new deed by paying a small fee, it can be collected from the same county in which your house belongs.


5) Remove the Lender’s Lien:

The lender should notify the county or city recorder that it has canceled the mortgage lien on your property.

They do this with a Release of Deed of Trust, or Satisfaction of Mortgage, which legally releases your property from any claim by the lender.

It’s a good idea to request a certified copy of this document from the recorder’s office if the lender does not provide you with one.

If the lender does not have the release recorded, you must do it yourself by bringing the canceled note and trust deed to the recorder’s office.


6) Update Homeowner’s Insurance: 

If you had an escrow account set up, you will have to start making the insurance and property tax payments on your own after the completion of loan repayment.

When a loan is taken from a lender, it is a common practice that the lender create an escrow for the payment of insurance premiums.

Then the lender pays for insurance themselves and adds it to the total monthly mortgage payments.

Now that the loan repayment is completed it becomes the responsibility of the owner to pay for the insurance.

So you need to contact your homeowner’s insurance carrier to have the lender removed from the policy.

Since the lender no longer has any claim to the house, it should not have the legal right to any insurance payout in the case of fire or other damage.

If you don’t have the lender’s name removed from the policy, filling and collecting on an insurance claim can become complicated.

In that case for all the matters you have to contact the lender first.

The same problem will arise when you have to receive your insurance check indirectly through the lender.

So to avoid these problems, the name of the lender must be removed from the document after completion of final payment.


7) Update your Payment for Property Taxes: 

Like in case of  home insurance, chances are that the property taxes were likely escrowed by the lender at first.

Then the amount of tax is passed on to the monthly mortgage payments.

Once you’ve paid off your loan, you’re now in charge of making those payments.

In case you miss out on changing the name in documents again the property tax will arise in name of the lender.

For property taxes, contact your local taxing authorities to make sure you’ll receive the bills.

This way you avoid a hefty fine due to late payment.


8) Don’t Forget Taxes and Insurance:

Now that you’re taking over those payments, you must set aside enough cash to pay for both property taxes and insurance.

Experts highly recommend homeowners to create their own escrow account.

Opening a bank account is also helpful where the fund can be deposited to cover these expenses each month.

Generally lenders keep extra funds above and beyond the actually taxes owed.

You should get that reserve fund within a couple of weeks in the form of a check from your lender.

You can deposit it into your account and you can utilize the same amount as your mortgage each month.

This can act as a reserve fund until you have enough to cover your property taxes and homeowner’s insurance premium.


9) Use the Monthly Mortgage Payment Elsewhere:

A mortgage is a big financial commitment in your life and often it’s the last thing you need to pay off before you can consider yourself debt-free.

Now you can allocate the surplus money  towards other financial goals.

You have some surplus cash which you can spend whenever you want.

But on the wiser side, it is more important to utilize this opportunities to achieve other concrete goals such as a car, a vacation home, and other big purchases.

Even better, you can also keep part of that money in your bank account or in your retirement fund.

It can be used towards the renovations you’ve been planning for a long time in your home; now you can finish those projects and boost its resale value.

You can also make modifications to help you in old age and enjoy the latter years of your life in your beloved home.


10) Additional Financial Freedom:

Allocating your monthly mortgage payments elsewhere after making your final payment can give you more financial freedom to invest in your home and in yourself.

You no longer have to worry that you owe anyone any money.

For retirees or those who are nearing their retirement years, it can be one of the best feelings in the world.

The house is now yours—free and clear of any liens and issues about ownership.

Do whatever makes you feel great and happy! It’s an outstanding achievement worthy of a big celebration.

It is a proud moment: you own your home. You are now mortgage-free after all these years!



Melissa Dorman is a Licensed Broker with Yascha Group at Living Room Realty in Portland, OR. Follow Yascha Group  on Facebook.



4 Reasons to Buy A Home This Winter!

Here are four great reasons to consider buying a home today instead of waiting.

1. Prices Will Continue to Rise
CoreLogic’s latest Home Price Insight report revealed that home prices have appreciated by 5.6% over the last 12 months. The same report predicts that prices will continue to increase at a rate of 4.7% over the next year.

The bottom in home prices has come and gone. Home values will continue to appreciate for years. Waiting no longer makes sense.

2. Mortgage Interest Rates Are Projected to Increase
Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey shows that interest rates for a 30-year mortgage have hovered around 4.8%. Most experts predict that rates will rise over the next 12 months. The Mortgage Bankers Association, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the National Association of REALTORS® are in unison, projecting that rates will increase in 2019.

An increase in rates will impact YOUR monthly mortgage payment. A year from now, your housing expense will increase if a mortgage is necessary to buy your next home.

3. Either Way, You are Paying a Mortgage
There are some renters who have not yet purchased homes because they are uncomfortable taking on the obligation of a mortgage. Everyone should realize that unless you are living with your parents rent-free, you are paying a mortgage – either yours or your landlord’s.

As an owner, your mortgage payment is a form of ‘forced savings’ that allows you to build equity in your home that you can tap into later in life. As a renter, you guarantee your landlord is the person building that equity.

Are you ready to put your housing cost to work for you?

4. It’s Time to Move on With Your Life
The ‘cost’ of a home is determined by two major components: the price of the home and the current mortgage rate. It appears that both are on the rise.

But what if they weren’t? Would you wait?

Look at the actual reason you are buying and decide if it is worth waiting. Whether you want to have a great place for your children to grow up, you want your family to be safer, or you just want to have control over renovations, maybe now is the time to buy.

If the right thing for you and your family is to purchase a home this year, buying sooner rather than later could lead to substantial savings.

The Market in Focus: How Amazon and Zillow Mortgage Products May Impact Mortgage Prices

By Aaron Nawrocki, Capital M Lending

What’s new in the mortgage business in 2018? More of the upward cycle in homebuying and competition for mortgage borrowers like we haven’t seen since 2006. After 10 years of fragmentation, big players are entering the mortgage space. Zillow is rolling out a mortgage provider to go with its real estate arm. Additionally, there are likely rumors that Amazon is working to build its own mortgage platform. Questions abound about what disruption Amazon and Zillow mortgage products may bring.

Historically, mortgages have been among the most regulated financial products. The government acts as a mortgage purchaser (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and as a mortgage insurer (FHA). Along with their support for the mortgage industry comes a very specific set of rules for how mortgages can be originated -– we call this compliance– and an arcane set of rules that determine who gets a mortgage or not – called guidelines.

The “guideline” portion of the mortgage business – how loans are approved – could change with the arrival of these new players. Amazon and Zillow have both made a business of predicting consumer behavior by aggregating and analyzing data. It isn’t a big stretch to imagine them using that type of analysis to develop their own set of metrics for approving loans.

Compare how car loans are originated to how mortgage loans are underwritten and approved. Car loans are typically based on verbal information, heavily credit-based and approved in minutes. The value of the collateral (the car) is determined automatically based on a database of actual sales. The automated underwriting system amalgamates the credit, income and collateral data and analyzes it with an algorithm to determine if the loan will be approved. There is a wide spectrum of terms offered, based on risk. “good” loans get lower interest rates, “risky” but approved loans get higher interest rates.

Mortgage loan approvals are rule-driven – has the borrower been self-employed for two years, is the down payment borrowed, etc. There’s a loose correlation between meeting standardized underwriting criteria and loan performance, but at a micro level, loan decisions are not made based on how “good” a loan is. They’re made based on whether the right boxes are checked. While terms vary somewhat based on credit score, for the most part it’s a pass/fail system. It’s all very 1970.

With these new players entering the market, it’s possible that the next wave of change in the mortgage business will be to integrate big data and change the way mortgage loans are approved and priced. Amazon and Zillow mortgage products could mean quicker, easier loan approvals for the consumer. There would be a wider range of terms that more accurately reflects overall risk and makes mortgages available to riskier borrowers. It’s been just about long enough since 2009 for to see the business cycle open to change. The mortgage business has been among the most resistant to change – but five years ago, who thought you’d get into a stranger’s car instead of a taxi?


Aaron Nawrocki has over 20 years of direct experience overseeing mortgage and loan processes, working to provide clients the market insight and lending expertise required to make informed decisions.


About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.

The Market in Focus: The Impact of Automation and Big Data on Mortgage Underwriting

By Aaron Nawrocki, Capital M Lending

It’s hard to believe that 2008 was 10 years ago. Portland home values have risen dramatically since then and our real estate market is robust. In the mortgage industry, we are still dealing with the fallout from the bubble of the early 2000s, but the recent wave of new financial technology is showcasing the impact of automation and big data on mortgage underwriting

When default rates rose, investors (and Fannie Mae) rightly reexamined loans in their portfolios for fraud and errors. If they could document fraud or underwriting mistakes, they could force the lender to buy the mortgage loan back and avoid taking a loss themselves. Fraud, such as falsified income or asset documentation, was rare, but underwriting errors were more common. The error could be inaccurately calculated qualifying income, or something as simple as a mistyped street address on the appraisal. In difficult times, investors were looking for any reason to avoid a potential loss. This led to significant losses for lenders and structural changes in how loans were underwritten.

Changes in underwriting

If you took out a mortgage in 2010, you know the result – incredible scrutiny and conservatism. As lenders sought to eliminate errors and outright fraud, multiple levels of re-checking were introduced. Underwriters were verifying the source of $100 deposits, asking for multiple explanation letters – this often led to long loan processing times and missed closing dates. For the lenders, it led to dramatically higher costs. The extra people required to meet new regulatory requirements and avoid buybacks increased costs of production by up to 50%.

Income, assets and credit are relatively easy to quantify, and fewer of the buybacks were related to problems in that area. Appraisals involve more judgment on the part of the appraiser and are more of a gray area. Lenders have less control over the appraisal process and were naturally concerned about exposure in another downturn. Fannie Mae and other investors fear overvaluations and errors that could lead to more losses in another downturn.

Big data to the rescue

Beginning in 2010, FNMA introduced a uniform data set for appraisals, allowing them to build a super database of property sales. From here, we began to see the the impact of automation and big data on mortgage underwriting processes. Every Fannie Mae loan’s appraisal becomes a part of this data set. Their automated system, Collateral Underwriter, is an audit checker that reconciles individual appraisals to the data set and checks it for validity and potential errors. Once the appraisal has been through this filter successfully, the lender is no longer responsible for the appraisal’s accuracy. In essence, FNMA is validating the appraisal to reduce their own risk, and the lender gets relief from future liability.

Beginning in 2016, Fannie Mae introduced a system for direct verification of income and assets. Rather than getting the income and asset information from the borrower and then validating it, FNMA now offers a system of automated income and asset validation. The borrowers’ employment and asset information are input and through Fannie’s automated underwriting process, employment and assets are verified directly with the employer and bank. This is the basis of Rocket MortgageTMand other automated systems. Currently, the system will only work on a small percentage of mortgage applications. Not all employers subscribe to the employment database FNMA uses and not all banks offer direct verification. There’s also some consumer resistance (due to privacy issues) to allowing lenders to gather information from buyers’ employers and banks directly.

For now, most mortgages are closed with direct, personal involvement of underwriters, document drawers and quality control personnel. While limited data access has prevented a sea change in the mortgage process, most lenders utilize automated validation systems to reduce fraud, errors, cost and expense. These processes are mostly invisible to borrowers, but do contribute to a smoother, quicker loan process. Will we see a time when all data is aggregated electronically and mortgages close in two weeks? Probably not – the history of the mortgage business is one of pendular changes between efficiency and losses. We’re currently swinging from triple checking everything to making the process easier and cheaper. We won’t know if this is the right path until the next crash – but the impact of automation and big data on mortgage underwriting underscore the importance of transparency. For now, look forward to a smoother, quicker, more reliable process, but keep your paystubs handy, just in case.


Aaron Nawrocki has over 20 years of direct experience overseeing mortgage and loan processes, working to provide clients the market insight and lending expertise required to make informed decisions.


About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.

The Market in Focus: Higher Portland Home Prices, Smaller Down Payments

By Aaron Nawrocki, Capital M Lending

Portland home prices have been climbing consistently this decade, and there’s a lot of “bubble” talk these days. If you had to name the two defining changes in the Portland mortgage market over the last eight years, they would be higher sales prices and smaller down payments. Portland has traditionally had a strong real estate market, even in downturns, but Portland down payment amounts are decreasing. Historically, sales prices and loan amounts rose in lockstep. As Portlanders moved up, they took the equity from their sale and put it down on the new purchase. Portland incomes have traditionally been lower than other places on the west coast and Portlanders needed lower monthly payments. Larger down payments kept the monthly payment affordable and limited the growth in prices.

Now that Portland is the it city on the west coast, the connection between down payment and sales price has changed. More buyers are moving here from other locations, bringing their well-paying jobs with them. They’re younger, make more money, can afford higher monthly mortgage payments, and are putting less down. Accelerating the shifting dynamic is the increasing availability of small down payments paired with large loan amount mortgage. This trend has pundits worried we may be headed for trouble. Small down payments mean banks have a smaller cushion in case of default, and a moderate price decrease would leave more homeowners under water. That makes defaults more likely, as homeowners are less likely to continue making mortgage payments when they owe more than their home is worth. In the last recession, many at-risk homeowners elected to stop making payments, and the flood of foreclosures created a downward market spiral. It’s understandable that analysts would make the connection between 2006’s peak and the recent price runup.

The rate of price increase is similar – the early 2000s and recent years have seen strong price growth, which raises concerns of a correction. However, while the price increase is similar, there are two factors which make a bubble less likely.

  • Rents have risen along with sales prices. That makes elective defaults less attractive. In 2009, a homeowner might abandon their home and its $2,000 per month payment and rent a similar home for $1,500. Today’s housing market is different – rents and monthly mortgage payments are similar. Therefore, homeowners typically can’t reduce their housing expense by opting to rent.
  • Mortgage qualification is dramatically different. The biggest change is the absolute requirement to verify the buyer has the means to repay the mortgage note. In 2006, buyers could easily get a mortgage to buy a new home without having to document they could afford the payment. There was no validation by the bank, allowing many buyers to make speculative purchases. As soon as the market turned even slightly, many of these buyers could not make their monthly payments and allowed their homes to go into foreclosure. While a price decline will increase defaults in today’s housing market, ensuring the monthly payment is truly affordable will mitigate this effect.

There’s an old saying that whatever goes up, must come down. That’s as true today as ever. The rapid rise in Portland home prices definitely feels evocative of the early 2000s and brings up the specter of a bubble. Prices will eventually decrease, of course, but unfortunately no one knows when. The good news is that the structural and mortgage changes in the real estate market will likely dampen the severity of the market’s ebbs and flows. With the strong inflow of well-qualified buyers in the Portland market, it appears that Portland home prices are set for a period of stable growth.


Aaron Nawrocki has over 20 years of direct experience overseeing mortgage and loan processes, working to provide clients the market insight and lending expertise required to make informed decisions.


About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.

The Market in Focus: Lower Interest Rates Coming for Low-Risk Borrowers?

By Aaron Nawrocki, Capital M Lending

For many years, all eligible borrowers received the same interest rate. In essence, there was one base interest rate, and if your mortgage was approved, that’s the rate you got. While it may not have been perfectly equitable, it certainly made it easy for lenders to quote interest rates and for buyers to understand. However, the development of big-data and risk assessment platforms, lower interest rates may be attainable for low-risk borrowers.

In 2008, Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) added interest rate adjustments for different loan characteristics. After the government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) went into receivership, they examined their portfolio and its performance, adding extra charges to their base rate for factors such as:

– Lower credit scores
– Using a concurrent second mortgage (combo loans)
– Type of refinance transaction (cash out refinances)
– Down payment percentages

The idea was that the above factors affected risk – e.g. lower credit score loans would default more frequently. Consequently, borrowers with fewer risk factors are more likely to get lower interest rates than their counterparts. Raising the cost for higher risk loans would better connect a mortgage’s risk to its cost. It’s analogous to car insurance – if a driver has a few tickets, the cost of insurance is naturally higher as the insurance company is more likely to suffer a loss.

The adjustments to rate put in place in 2008 (and adjusted thereafter) are constant across all lenders for conforming loans, as they’re established by FNMA/FHLMC. Here’s where it gets interesting. Fannie and Freddie back tested their tweaks in 2014 to see if the interest rate adjustments accurately reflected the loss ratios based on loan characteristics. What they found is that they overestimated the loss ratio for high credit score borrowers and underestimated the loss ratio for low credit score borrowers. In other words, “risky” borrowers were getting a better deal than “premium” borrowers. To think of it in health insurance terms, the healthy were paying for the sick.

Markets have a way of evolving in response to information and big data is a buzzword we see all over these days. As mortgage banks (and FNMA/FHLMC) build deeper databases and connect loan characteristics to loss rates, expect to see more complex pricing. There will likely be a greater range of interest rates offered, with larger discounts for higher credit scores and larger down payments. Banks and buyers will adapt to these changes and they’ll become part of the marketplace. For buyers, it means that keeping credit scores as high as possible will be more important in securing lower interest rates. Credit scores will be examined in an upcoming column and I’m always available to answer and financing questions you may have. To learn more about current real estate trends, or to speak with a real estate specialist about buying or selling a property, contact Aryne + Dulcinea. Their expertise in today’s market will ensure you have an optimal experience during your next real estate venture.


Aaron Nawrocki has over 20 years of direct experience overseeing mortgage and loan processes, working to provide clients the market insight and lending expertise required to make informed decisions.


About Us:
Over the course of their professional partnership, Aryne + Dulcinea have helped over 200 clients prosper in their new lives. During this time, they have prided themselves in their top-notch selling abilities, with homes outperforming market standards, consistently exceeding list price while most of their listings sell in under 7 days. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Aryne & Dulcinea will work in collaboration to guide you in investing in your future and reaching your real estate goals.