When you decide to buy a house together


Sometimes buying a house together is just a breeze.  This was one of those times.  Kara and Nicole are one of those couples that works well together and were on the same page while shopping.  Looking to move out a little further for some more space, inside and outside, these two were open to a lot of options.  They settled on outer lents in a delightful little pocket neighborhood.

Kara was my very first client in 2013 and it has been great to watch her grow both personally and professionally and continue developing our friendship along the way.  These two caring, giving nurses brought masks to us and special treats specifically for me as I dealt with some health concerns.  It’s great to see them settle in a house that will allow for them to build their future family together.  It has been very rewarding to be part of that process. I can’t to see what the future holds for them!