Blog Stories Staying Grounded In Difficult Times

Staying Grounded In Difficult Times

By Andy Meeks, March 26, 2020

It’s hard to find words to capture the disruption and sense of anxiety we’re all experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially how it relates to our local housing market. So I’ll save the data, graphs and predictions for another time. For now, I’d like to simply share how I’m seeking stability and trying to remain grounded during these difficult times.

While the world is changing hourly, always seemingly for the worse, there is beauty all around us. This is especially so in Portland in these early days of spring. Trees and plants are blossoming in ridiculous colors, bulbs are pushing up through the awakening soil, birds are returning with their familiar calls. And the days are getting longer and warmer. To think of these things as small miracles wouldn’t be too far from the truth.

The natural world provides us with opportunities for reflection, a deep breath, a pause in our (new) routines. Being outside grounds me and helps me feel gratitude towards the simple things in our everyday existence. Stability and comfort can be found in these moments. If you’re able, take some time every day to step outside to breath deeply, and maybe even go for a brief walk to enjoy the simple pleasure of being outside. Fresh air is critical, and the natural world provides some wonderful perspective.

Practicing gratitude also grounds me, and I’ve been doing my extra-best these days to take nothing for granted. I know that I’m very fortunate to have my health and a safe home, and food in the pantry. And toilet paper in the closet. I’m also grateful that I make my living helping others through the process of finding their home, their sanctuary, their private space in the world. This appreciation was brought to me the other day, in a text I received from a client. It struck me deeply, and filled my heart with joy:

We were just having a moment about how we feel so safe and grateful to have such a wonderful and private house right now. We are so thankful for the role you had in helping us find this home.”

Despite the disruptions to the real estate industry — no open houses, limited showing capabilities — I remain available to connect with questions, concerns or ideas, on the phone, via email or a Zoom meeting, and I continue to stay up-to-date on how the market is changing and responding to our new reality. (Also check out Living Room Realty’s COVID-19 Resource Page for more info.) However, I am taking a pause in any new work with clients in terms of showings or in-person meetings, per guidelines from our health professionals and government officials. As always, my clients are my top priority, and that will never change.

I hope that this crisis – as terrible as it is in so many ways – can help us all recognize the gifts we have, alone and together, in the natural world and as a society.

Wishing you and your loved ones health, safety and comfort during these difficult times.



Living Room Realty

Licensed Oregon Broker  | Earth Advantage REALTOR® | 971.400.0195 | PDX

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and always greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Andy Meeks

Principal Broker | OR


My clients are always my top priority, and my singular focus is their success. This is the intention I set every day. My training and background as a licensed attorney helps me lead with a sharp attention to detail, a keen ear and focused voice, and an unwavering commitment to integrity, transparency and discretion. I’m a passionate advocate and I thrive when helping others succeed, and I’m always available to connect over a cup of coffee to learn how I can help make good things happen. Read my client reviews here. The choice to become a real estate broker was a joyful combination of two very different careers. Prior to moving to Portland in 2008, I was an environmental and title closing attorney in Massachustts. Since then, I've served as a program manager and fundraising professional for Portland-based non-profit organizations Friends of Trees, The Freshwater Trust and Ecotrust. While not scouting homes and helping clients, you can find me riding bicycles, skiing, digging in the garden, experimenting in the kitchen, and exploring the stunning beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Please let me know how I can help you or someone you know. Thank you! *I'm licensed as an attorney in Massachusetts and can't offer any sort of legal advice.
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